His finger-prints were a clear proof of his guilt. 他的指纹就是犯罪的明证。
The fact that Nokia has demonstrated its ability to defeat apple after the most bitterly contested patent dispute that this industry has seen to date is a clear proof of concept. 此次诺基亚通过手机行业迄今为止争辩最激烈的专利诉讼,击败苹果便是一个明证。
The clear implication of this is that tall people are perceived as very competent before they ever display proof that they are. 从这不难看出人们先入为主地认为个子高的人能力也卓尔不群。
Used to record transactions occur, clear economic responsibility, as accounting according to the written proof. 用来记载经济业务的发生,明确经济责任,作为记账根据的书面证明。
Addo makes it clear that he has no proof that Blatter was involved in or had any knowledge of the attempt to bribe him or of the attempt to remove his vote. 阿多明确表示,他无法证明布拉特与贿赂及投票权有关,也无法证明布拉特知晓这些事。
Her new study is the first one large and long enough to give clear proof that this is so, and even suggests that weightlifting can help. 此次是她进行的第一次新的大规模和长时间的研究,为她的论点给出了明确的证据,而且还指出举重对康复患者有益处。
While still preliminary, the findings offer clear proof that this breakthrough technology could be used in the development of biomarkers for a range of human diseases. 虽然还是初步的,提供明确的调查结果证明,这种突破性技术可开发的生物标志物用于人类疾病的范围。
In this year, the ace of national college entrance exam gives birth, is a clear proof basically still for the fact of "share" of Beijing University and Tsinghua. 今年全国高考尖子生基本上依然为北大和清华“分享”的事实就是一个明证。
Clear proof of this fact is provided by the great success of the present form of the army and civilian production drive we have promoted. 比如我们提倡采取现有样式的军民生产运动,发生了很大的效果,就是一个明显的证据。
The sharp increase in student visas provides clear proof of the strong demand for British qualifications among Chinese students. 学生签证的急剧增加清楚地表明了中国学生对英国留学的强烈需求。
While the Taliban has issued a claim of responsibility for the killing of Ahmad Wali Karzai, there is no clear proof it orchestrated the murder. 虽然塔利班声称承担刺杀瓦利·卡尔扎伊的责任,却没有证据显示这项谋杀是他们策划的。
Accounting vouchers: is the recording of transactions, a clear economic responsibility, according to a certain format prepared according to the accounting books written proof. 会计凭证:是记录经济业务、明确经济责任、按一定格式编制的据以登记会计账簿的书面证明。
Not clear and not definite with the term and the scope of the court collecting proof actively according to the power; 对法院依职权主动收集证据的范围和条件规定的不明确;
The purpose of metaphysics is the metaphysical knowledge with clear proof, which depends on the expression and argument of logic. 形而上学所要成就的是具有明证性的形上之知,而形上之知的成立只有依靠逻辑的表达和论证。
The paper also proposes a fast algorithm to compute the median of a hierarchy coding data set, and gives a clear proof of the algorithm. 针对聚类算法的中心点问题,提出了相应的层次编码型数据的快速处理算法,并从理论上证明了算法的正确性。
And the main part treats of the systematic rules, the soul of the subject, the accuracy in example words and the clear proof for teaching status. 其中文本论述包含学科体系的厘定、学科内容的灵魂、用例文字的准确和教学身份的明证。
The ask of the investigative organizations need the clear fact, the definite proof, but also uses the misty concepts and misty languages. 侦查机关的讯问需要事实清楚、证据确凿,但也离不开模糊概念和模糊语言。
This article also put forward a simple and clear proof about the above viewpoint. 同时,通过简明反证法就上述观点给出了一种简单的证明。
Notarial department should make clear of the proof given right and the proof investigating process, so as to enhance the valid and standard of legislation. 公证立法过程中应明确公证处的调查取证权及调查取证程序,以增强立法的保障与规范性。
Should insist on the view on legal fact, eliminate the lawless proofs, accept the relative objectivity and subjectivity of litigation proof, make clear the principle of free proof, regulate clearly in legislation that the standard of proof of entity law is eliminating reasonable suspicion. 应坚持法律事实观,排除非法的证据材料,承认诉讼证明的相对客观性和主观性,明确规定自由心证原则,在立法中明确规定实体法事实的证明标准为排除合理怀疑。
Taylor expansion gives proof to the uniqueness theorem and the maximum modules principle, which is simple and clear at a glance, compared with the traditional proof. 利用泰勒展开式证明了唯一性定理,最大模定理,与传统证明相比,具有简单、一目了然的特点。
The only unchangeable thing is that we will select an interpretation based on the prediction to the result, of which the compromise phenomenon is a clear proof. 惟一不变的是,我们会以对后果的预测来选择一种解释,折衷现象就是一种明证。
On Specific legislative system, we should define the concept of treasure trove and clear elements of discovering a treasure trove, give people the limited ownership, share the burden of proof and clear the situation of discoverer losing rights. 具体制度上,应该界定埋藏物的概念、明晰埋藏物发现的构成要件、赋予发现者有限取得所有权、分担所有权不明的证明责任、明确发现者权利丧失的情形。
It is significant for a fair and efficient litigation tasks to clear distribution of the burden of proof. 明确证明责任的分配,对推动诉讼顺利进行,实现公正、高效的诉讼任务意义重大。
In the civil lawsuit, proof activities always point to clear and specific proof object, and the judicial proof always around specific object of proof. Therefore, the object of proof is the first thing must to be solved in the proof activity. 在民事诉讼中,证明活动一般都要指向明确、具体的证明对象,诉讼证明也总是围绕具体的证明对象展开,因此,证明对象是证明活动中必须首先确定的问题。
The distribution of Burden of Proof is the core of the core, Research and application of the distribution of burden of proof theory we must first clear the foundation of the Burden of Proof. This is the premise of the Burden of Proof. 而证明责任分配便是核心中的核心,研究和应用证明责任分配理论我们首先必须明确证明责任分配的依据,这是证明责任分配的前提。
In feudality society, the standard was not clear, but in Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty, analogous regulations of proof standard could be found. 在我国封建社会,也不太明确,但在唐、宋、元、明、清等朝代能找到类似证明标准的规定。
During the period between the judgment of God and the system of legal evidence, there was no clear criminal proof standard. 在神示证据制度与法定证据制度之间阶段没有明确的刑事证明标准。
Judge hearing a case of an obligation of diligence, must first determine its criteria in order to determine the merits; second, must be clear to the parties the burden of proof, these contents of statute law have disappeared without trace. 法官审理一个勤勉义务的案件,首先要确定其判断标准才能判断是非曲直,其次要明确当事人双方的举证责任,而这些内容成文法都无迹可寻。
There was no clear proof standard in the slavery society in China. 我国奴隶社会时期没有明确的刑事证明标准。